BABA ALI my favorite comedy person

BABA ALI my favorite comedy person

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

nativedeens new albums lyrics!!!!! not afraid to stand alone!

SUBHANALLAH Allah = God Subhanallah = Glory Be to God Ya Allah = Oh Allah Hu Allah = He is Allah Laillaha illah = There is no God But Allah Muhamadurasullulah = Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the messenger of God.

STAND ALONE Chorus I am not afraid to stand alone…. I am not afraid to stand alone…. If Allah is by my side I am not afraid to stand alone…. Everything will be alright I am not afraid to stand alone…. Gonna keep my head up high Single mother raising her children Now she's a Muslim Started praying and wearing a headscarf Was a healing for her heart Struggling with no one to lean on But with prayer she would be strong Got a job but then she was laid off Got a better education and it paid off Got a call for a job that she dreamed of Close by, great pay -she was in love - they said... They brought her in, said she's the number one pick You got the job, but you gotta lose the outfit" It's a tough position that they put me in Cause Ive been struggling with my two children But I'll continue looking for a job again My faith in my religion now will never bend Chorus Peer pressure, they were insisting And I was resisting Some days I felt I would give in Just wanted to fit in I know when I’m praying and fasting’ They be teasing and laughing So I called to my Lord for the power For the strength every day, every hour... Then one day there’s a new Muslim teacher Single mom and the people respect her Just seeing her strength I get stronger They can break my will no longer You don’t see me sweating when they’re jokes're ing Never see me cussing’ with my pants saggin’ I aint never running yo I’m still standing I ride with Allah to the very end Chorus I am not afraid to stand alone... Now, I’m a tough one, who can bear their blows The rest play dumb, they don’t dare say no Scared of being shunned, but its clear they know I aint never gonna run, I aint scared no more…. Man, these sisters be resolute Never stressed when the rest say they wasn’t cute And the get the respect of the other youth Come best with the dress yo and that’s the truth These sisters are strong gonna hand it down So me I’m a brotha gotta stand my ground I aint gonna shudder, when the gangs around Peer pressure whatever, its my planet now Others may fall, I’mm a hold my own With Allah’s help I’ll be strong as stone And I’mma be brave and let Al Islam be shown Cause you I know I not afraid to stand alone Chorus

Your Lord is Watching 11 o clock at night and now your lying in your bed, cause see your Thinking about the plan that your rehearsing in your head, Your waiting for your family to doze right off to sleep, And then you slip out of the house to where you and your shorty meet Rolled up to the party and your strolling cause its hardly Even 12:00am and now the party’s getting started 3:00am you heading back into your place and then you climbed back in the window you left open just in case Your think that your so slick, you know just how to trick and pull a hoax upon your folks and they dont notice it. You know that you should not, I think that you forgot Like any crime, its only time before you getting caught Chorus Your lord is watching and he knows every step that you take And he knows every plan that you make And he can catch your every mistake And he can catch your every mistake The personal computer is a real amazing thing with all the knowledge it can bring to our young men and young women But you know when you have been, using it for doing sin Find a hidden place within, and then the downloading begins And quickly you begin to get, savy with the internet The devil whispers and convinces you that you aint sinning yet You know its wrong and if your caught they all will be upset, you learn to close the window quick so no one catches wind of it Why do we think this, there’s no consequences Your lord may let it slide a bit but that just gives you confidence he can expose you, to all those who knows you And when that happens dont come back and say i never told you that... As Samee' (The All Hearing) Albaseer (All Seeing), AlRaqeeb, (The Watchful One) Al Khabeer,( The Aware) Inna rabbaka ala kulli shayin qadeer (Truly your lord is aware of all things) Chorus Now everyday that passes, you get bolder in your plans, and You start scheming in your classes, and start cheating on exams Your great in fooling masses, and start running little scams, You know Your sneakiness surpasses every other guy in town. But then the day arrives now that your Lord had always written You think that no ones watching, and things just start to happen The window you left open drew attention of your neighbor And so they caught you in the act, as you came back in the night Your sister has a project due and you are off at school and she’s using your computer cause your folks said it was cool And she comes across some pictures that you forgot to erase she shows it to your family and soon your in disgrace The plans you invented, You'll wish you had ended, And when you see the Hell fire you’ll really resent it Cause sooner or later, you'll face your creator And never for a moment think your knowledge is greater Chorus

STILL STRONG In my house, minding my biz Sunday morning doing chores and I’m watching my kids You know how it is, they chilling watching Sesame Street My wife, showing me how to cook something to eat Now this is my life, that is my wife, those are my kids I’m working hard so we can comfortably live Knock, Knock, somebody is at the front door Honey, I’ll get it I need to take a break from my chores Knock, Knock, it just went from knock to a pound Now who is this clown, trying to take my smile to a frown Knock, Knock, it just went from pound to a bang Now this is insane and now I hear them yelling my name I open the door, and what do I see Its like 23 agents looking at me They threw the cuffs on my hands and my face to the floor Dragged away, my family crying at the front door Chorus AAAAGGGGHHHHH, we’re not breaking, we’re still strong No matter what they do we’re moving on AAAAGGGGHHHHH, we’re not breaking, we’re still strong No matter what they do we’re moving on We’re still moving on And they was asking me that and asking me this Accusing me of being on somebody’s ist list I had to resist, I want a lawyers all I would say But they said that they would me all night and all day And so I would pray for God to give me strength to get through If the evidence I knew, I would prove it untrue Osama Bin who, they want to say I support him If I don’t give in, I’ll never see my family again Its been more than 10 months since they dragged me from home 4 hours questioning and 20 in my cell alone……….. Its not Islam or Christianity, Its all of the humanity The religion of vanity drives people to insanity My soul and my anatomy are patient with calamity I’ll never use profanity just let me see my family Chorus So you wanna break me? nah I’m still strong, Sti--ll wanna me? I´ll prove you wrong wait and you’ll see - I was right - all along, but as for now let me do- do my thing, let me sing this song. Oh wanna break me? nah I’m still strong, still wanna me? I´ll prove you wrong wait and you’ll see - I was right - all along, but as for now let me do- do my thing, let me sing this song. This is wrong, so wrong, so many people know its wrong Now that you found me you got to go and sing that song For freedom, justice and equality for all ‘Aint no justice when we let them illegally change laws So many flaws in my case and I need you to find them all You’re my lawyer so go tell the judge whats really going on Yeah, let me see now, where do I start Still the ANTAGONIST, still playing same part Same old script, yeah same old drama Only this time -- you trying link me with Osama Yep, its me! -- public enemy number one Your specific intelligence nothing but a con So tell me mr. officer what you got on me? -TRUMPED UP charges man, clear for all to see -What did I do now? what is my crime Please can you tell me why I’ma be doing this time. Is it coz I put my head on the ground? my foot in the sink? There gotta be something, man! Tell me what you found Is it my beard, or the funny way I walk? The rhymes I be spitting? Or the way I was born to talk? I’m an convict, victim of this era Oppression in the guise of a war on - My lyrical pen is still mightier than their sords That’s why I be in the pen praying to my loord - Like P said, they won’t let- me -out The faith in my heart that’s what its all- about I’m one of them mooozlems, so best lock me up That’s why I’m rrright here - stuck in this rut Keep my head high cant no one take my pride Nothing but a test from Him, we gotta take in stride. Chorus

LIFE’S WORTH Summer night on the 4th of July and I’m hanging outside I take my kids downtown to watch fireworks fly As the light flicker in my daughters eyes I think about the plight of a war torn child And how these same sights and sounds make them cry And how much is this life worth, is what I say to you As I sit here right now, watching the evening news And how much is this life worth, cause it cant be true We’re dying over different points of view So how much is this life worth to you. Yah Allah, Yah Allah It five o-clock and Im rushing home like I always do I call ahead to my wife and kids and say I’ll be there soon I put the radio on, and the announcer speaks Of a man rushing home just in time to see His house blown to rubble with his family beneath And how much is this life worth, is what I say to you As I sit here right now, watching the evening news And how much is this life worth, cause it cant be true We’re dying over different points of view So how much is this life worth to you. Yah Allah, oh Allah How much is this life worth, How much is this life worth, How much is this life worth, How much is this life worth, We say we stand for justice for all, but what about babies when fall How much is their life worth to you And when we say we answer the call of Allah But is it the way of Rasoolullah How much is his life worth to you Yah Allah, help us make due…yeah… And how much is this life worth, is what I say to you As I sit here right now, watching the evening news How much is this life worth, cause it can’t be true That we’re dying over different points of view So how much is this life worth to you. So how much is this life worth to you

SEA OF FORGIVENESS Allahu = God Subhanallah = Glory be to God Wa = and Alhamdulilah = Praise be to God La’llaha Illa Allah = There is no god but God Allahu Akbar = Got is great Ya Allah = Oh Allah

TALA’AL BADRU He eyes slowly rising Sunrise warms the horizon Sand dunes form in the distant He’s up and out in an instant The crowd there, all were waiting Watching and, anticipating A man appears from afar Could it be the one sent by Allah He shouts “Here comes the prophet!” His face is a light that drives out the darkness Words are alive - his message is living Joy everywhere, our voices are singing Chorus Tala'al-Badru 'alayna, min thaniyyatil-Wada' wajaba al-shukru 'alayna, ma da'a lillahi da' Ayyuha al-mab'uthu fina ji'ta bi-al-amri al-muta' Ji'ta sharrafta al-Madinah marhaban ya khayra da' He steps and reaches to touch This man who suffered so much His own troubles could not compare To the Prophet scorned everywhere He was shunned away by his own kin Ridiculed and stoned by the townsmen His was shed for the truth But never was he vengeful or rude. Then the Prophet turns and he smiles Radiance that spreads out for miles Embraces his hand with kindness and care His heart sings out for all those to hear! Chorus Wakes up, alarm clock is ringing Moonlight, sun hasn’t risen Faint sound of cars on the street But inside his heart he feels peace He starts recalling the dream The Prophets face he has seen Remembers well the tradition In a dream it truly will be him Allah, oh what a feeling So many years he followed his teachings And this is greatest time in his life He prays to Allah and sings through the night Chorus Welcome, best caller to Gods way With a word to be obeyed Like a bright moon in the valley of darkness we lay 2x

THE MESSAGE Gotta know who your enemy is… and your enemy is Shaytan! So many people wanted Native Deen to cross over Because the message that we’re giving has the potential to bring the people together forever And you look around and see the people trying to mean like a soldier, hard like a bolder They don’t want to give love they just want to be cold but I tell you that they only getting colder Until the line up in their rows and they put their feet together and they shoulder to shoulder But your enemy don’t want it so you better do it now and don’t wait until you older That is the message that we’re giving and we gonna give it again and again until the struggling is over CHORUS Our enemy wants us to give up on the things that we know we should do But you and I, we have a conscience and to our soul we gotta be true But some people, some of the people support the enemy ‘cause they don’t understand But that’s alright, ‘aint no problem ‘cause Native Deen will still do all that we can And I can go on and on about how our enemy lies On and on about how your enemy s and despises you Open your eyes its true, your enemy ‘aint gonna sympathize with you He will continue to his plot, to split and divide Have people from the same faith on opposite sides Have people for the wrong cause willing to die Have you kill a thousand people and not even try Have all the young brothers just trying to be fly And all the young sisters, they don’t want to be shy Forget the Army be all you can be for Allah And never settle just to get by CHORUS Gotta know who your enemy is… and your enemy is Shaytan! Once upon a time on a special day Right before the last Prophet passed away He gathered all the people and what did he say The message of the Deen, did I relay? He said worship God only Came with good news to the believers to teach us To give from ourselves and our money If you want the real life that’s next you have to invest and put something on it Sent to all mankind to warn us about the terrible day that upon us You’ll be on our knees begging please, sweating to your neck for your deeds Mothers will be dropping their babies People will be running like they drunk and they crazy Seek refuge in Allah from being lazy Get to work now ‘aint no time for if, buts and maybe Do you know what I mean? Clap your hands if you now what I mean With the Name of Allah you and ask the people did Native Deen deliver the message You can ask the people did Native Deen deliver the message You can ask the people did Native Deen deliver the message You can ask the people did Native Deen deliver the message CHORUS

HOLD THE LINE Lets think to back, back when we started We were just souls with one target This was a course that we both charted But how did we end broken hearted Ohhhh…. Can faith pull us through Don’t know what I should do But ask of you Please please please hold the line now, I swear please hold the line now Can see what happened to us Just look how shaytan will do us Please please please hold the line now, I swear please hold the line now Just long enough so we can find out Find out how we work things out …Work things out Now comes the time, time to mend fences To remove the mask and stop pretending Because now the whisper’s winning And how could this be our ending Ohhhh…. Can faith pull us through Don’t know what I should do I ask of you Please please please hold the line now, I swear please hold the line now Just long enough so we can find out Find out how we work things out I know it seems so hard, it seems so hard When others fall apart, the fall apart They couldn’t make it though, they couldn’t make it through But this I promise you, Allah rewards the Sabiroon So, so, so… Please please please hold the line now, I swear please hold the line now Just long enough so we can find out Find out how we work things out Please please please hold the line now, I swear please hold the line now Just long enough so we can find out Find out how we work things out Work things out

LABAYK Chorus Labayk Allah, Huma Labayk. It's a journey for Allah that I wanna make. Bound to the sound when the Hajjis go round, In the place where we face they put their heads to the ground. Bowin' in submission with conviction of steel. It's a feeling of peace, I someday hope I can feel When the month it comes around, its called the month Dhul-Hij People come from every place on this planet to do it. It's the Hajj, is a journey to the house of Allah Where over two million different people come from near and from far... By car, and by boat and by plane and by the camel Some brothers even do it by foot just with a sandal. But when they arrive and then city just glows. You'll understand the reasoning why everyone goes Seeking forgiveness from Allah, in every step that they take Here I am for my creator, Yah they cry out labayk Chorus Yo! I'm looking forward to the trip ta Hajj! Going' to Mecca and Madina with the entourage" Yo! I'm looking forward to the trip ta Haj! Comin' back like as a haji like Malik al Shabaz. From Madinah to Musdelifa, sights that you never saw, Best of all the trips ain't nothing less that I will settle for Dawn of lhram, where we all put on white, Putting on the sheets so that we all look alike Doing tawaf around the Qaba kissin' the black stone if you can, But you haven't done nothing till you've done Zam-Zam Gettin' on that bus so you can get to Ararat, Getting all those pebbles used to stone the Jamarat. Pacing back and forth between the Saffa and the Marwah Commemorating what was done for Ishmael by Hagar Sacrifice a lamb then go ahead and shave your held Joining in the feasting after all the prayers are said. Now nothing beats this trip not even Taj Mahal Cause there's Africans, Indonesians from Egypt and all, I'm looking forward to this trip I someday hope I can make Here I am for my creator and when I cry out Labayk Chorus

EID MORNING Chorus Allahu-Akbar-U'llahu-Akbar-U'llaahu-Akbar, Laa-Ilaha Ill'allah Allahu-Akbar-U'llahu-Akbar-U Wa-Lillah'il-Hamd Allahu-Akbar-U'llahu-Akbar-U'llaahu-Akbar, Laa-Ilaha Ill'allah Allahu-Akbar-U'llahu-Akbar-U Wa-Lillah'il-Hamd Allahu Akbar-U-Kabira ... Wal-Hamdu-Lillahi Kathira Wa-Subhan'allahi Wa-Be-Hamdi-Hi Bukra-Tan Wa-Ascila Laa-Ilaha-Ill'alla-Hu Wahdah ... Sadaqa Wa-Adah ... Wa-Nasara Abdah Wa-A-Azza Junda-Hu Wa-Hazam'al-Ahzaab Wahdah Laa-Ilaha Ill'allah ... Wa-La Na-A-Budu Illaa Iyyah Mukh-Le-Scina Lah'uddina Walaw Karih'al-Kaafiroon Allah-Umma-Salli-Ala Sayyedinaa Muhammad, Wa-Ala Aali Sayyedinaa Muhammad Wa-Ala As'habi Sayyedinaa Muhammad, Wa-Ala An'sari Sayyedinaa Muhammad Wa-Ala Azwaji Sayyedinaa Muhammad, Wa-Ala-Zurriyati-Sayyedina Muhammad-In Wa-Sallim Tasliman Kathira Translation Of Takbeer-Ul-Eid Allah is great, Allah is great, Allah is great, There is no god but Allah Allah is great, Allah is great, and praise is due to Him. Allah is great, Allah is great, Allah is great, There is no god but Allah Allah is great, Allah is great, and praise is due to Him. Allah is the Greatest, and an abundance of praise is due to Him, And glory and praise be to him morning and evening. There is no god but Allah, alone, He was true to His promise, And He granted victory to His worshipper, and He supported His group, And He conquered the parties (of evil) all by Himself. There is no deity but Allah, and we worship no one but Him, And we will sincerely follow the religion for Him, Even against the wishes of the unbelievers. May Allah pray upon our Muhammad, and upon his family, And upon his companions, and upon his supporters, And upon his wives, And upon his descendants, And grant an abundance of peace on him.

RAIN SONG Steps out side, into the scorching heat The well is dry, the children cry And the lands they claim defeat Oh my father, is it evil that we’ve done He smiles at the child with faith in his eyes Inshallah the rains will come This I know, his mercy must be won Just open your heart, this is the start Inshallah the rains will come On him I swear, his will must be done Like tears from your eyes, pearls from the sky Inshallah the rains will come Father gathers, the people for their eyes to see That if they combine their hearts and their minds They will turn the deserts green Side by side, they stand in the burning heat They pray to the one that brought them the sun To make the heavens weep This I know, his mercy must be won Just open your heart, this is the start Inshallah the rains will come On him I swear, his will must be done Like tears from your eyes, pearls from the sky Inshallah the rains will come Like tears from your eyes, pearls from the sky Inshallah the rains will come Will come…. Shower your mercy and wash away the sun Will come…. Pour down your blessings until the drought is gone Will come…. Soak up our tears and let the rivers run Will come…. Please answer your servants, Allah almighty one This I know, his mercy must be won Just open your heart, this is the start Thank God that the rains have come On him I swear, his will has been done He dried the tears from our eyes, pearls from sky Thank God that the rains have come

BE AT THE TOP How come every time I go and I flip on the news channel I see these images of Muslims having crude manners Angry men, holding guns and a few camels ist pumping fists with their rude banners You get anxiety, from symbols of our piety Cause they don’t show us Muslims who contribute to society How come they don’t show us doing positive things We get abused and harassed so many problems this brings Did this to black in the 60’s, Japanese in the 40’s Were the same category how their messing with our stories Flashing our picture over negative words People are begging to learn but you just making it worse But now were gonna watch you, your biases that pop through And go against your sponsors advertisers if we got to Wake up, its our right to defend, gotta fight with the pen if our plights gonna end. Chorus We gonna be at the top, Inshallah We’re the cream of the crop, Inshallah We’re gonna rock till we drop, Inshallah Cause believers never stop, Mashallah We are the people with the plan, Inshallah We’re always doing what we can, Inshallah Putting knowledge in the land, Inshalalh With the power of the pen, Mashallah Yes, Yes, Yes Ya’ll. You know it time to listen very close Because my lyrics are gonna get raw Cause what you see is what you saw ‘Aint nothing changed but the criminal perception of the law Like who’s a criminal and whats a crime I’m trying to define how the television washes your mind Conspiracies against me and still The majority of the people still believe whatever they see on TV How can this be when obviously it’s the media Feeding lies to the people can’t you see that bro Uh, you need examples, for instance some cases You don’t know religion and you don’t know about the races You look, see black, think that I’m athletic Then you look and see I’m Muslim and you think anti-Semitic But check it, watch what they do to your mind kid Its all connected you better not be blinded Chorus We all know the media aint doing us right So everyday we write, that’s the way we fight We all know the media aint doing us right And if we all unite will make them see the light It’s known that governments will stereotype They profile us by day, lock us up in the night It’s known that governments will stereotype But we still invite them to the deen that right They put the word on the street That Muslims got beef, say we in the middle east Plotting with the sheikhs Thinking that they right when we know they not Say we coming up with the next ist plot And with these petty lies, now we’re not concerned That’s about the time we bring on that mic burn And smash it, against all of they tactics They let us have it, but you know we coming back kid We got students copin’ deen plus a law degree To run these snakes straight out judiciaries Future leaders burning up the quills Torching all the lies so the people know the real We aint the type of rhymers to saying bust the steal We saying stop the lies and show them whats real We aint the type of rhymers stay shoot to kill We saying stop the , and let the ink spill

Zamilooni He stepped inside his home, and he overwhelmed with fear An angel came with words from God, things were still unclear Saying read - read, but he couldn’t read, then amazing words he heard A trembling deep inside his heart, confused by what had occurred There was only one who could comfort him And help him see the light To ease his fears, to reassure It was khadijah, his wife… Chorus He said Zamilooni, Zamilooni, Dathirooni, Dathirooni, (Envelop me, Embrace me) A mighty task has come before me… I need you here with me… By my side… She was a woman of nobility, successful in all her trade Many wealthy men had asked for her, she had turned them all away But when she saw Muhammad, a shining moon, may peace be on his soul He was a light for her - so right for her - her life will now be whole But she had never seen him so distressed, as he was there that day She would comfort him, and hold him tight, and chase his doubts away Chorus Bridge… We look for stories of love, in places dark and cold When we have a guiding light, for the whole world to behold But were so selfish in our ways, and to the ones we hold so close Our own pleasure and happiness is what we value most But she sacrificed all her wealth and everything she had And he honored her, and gave her faith, when the times were bad, when times were bad... Now years have passed, times had changed, since khadijah breathed her last. Message of the one true God, was spreading far and vast But then he came across a neaklace, that khajidah once had worn His eyes began to swell with tears, his heart again began to mourn Cause she was there for him, when times were rough, and his enimies were cruel Was the first believer, so keen and eager, to comfort al-Rasool Chorus Mawlaya salli wa sallim da’iman abada 'Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi (O my Leader, send your salutations and blessings forever Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation)

M-U-S-L-I-M One billion strong, all year long, Prayers to Allah even in Hong Kong Can never be wrong if we read the Qur'an Cause it's never been changed since day one. Others may brag, say that we lag, But they don’t know all the power we had The power we had, the power we have So Muslimoon don’t you ever be sad Take many looks, go read their books, You'll see all the facts that your friends overlook, So always be proud, you can say it out loud I am proud to be down with the Muslim crowd! M-U-S-L-I-M I'm so blessed to be with them... M-U-S-L-I-M I'm so blessed to be with them... They look at me strangely Like I emit some type of energy That draws Kafirs - disbelievers towards me. Thinking to themselves what makes him different from me. Is it the hair, the clothes or maybe the food he eats, What could it be, that make thug cats, stand at attention, His demeanor's peaceful but on his face it's clearly written that, This aint the sorta brother caught up in this and that Running streets carrying heat yo he aint into that. This brother must live by some type of criteria, To make it to the average cat quite superior So maybe one of these days I get near enough Play like Nancy Drew on this mystery and clear it up. So listen up if you think this is strange, Cause these the type of thoughts that use to run through a new Shahada's brains and I bear witness to the one with 99 names, InshAllah I will always remain. M-U-S-L-I-M I'm so blessed to be with them... M-U-S-L-I-M I'm so blessed to be with them... Don’t know about you, I know about me, I'm proud because I'm rolling Islamically Everywhere I see, even on TV, People talking trash about the way I be. But what they all , is if we get great Cause we're the only ones with our heads on straight Don’t ever frown, or your head looking down, If you read the Qur'an you're the best in the town. Y'all have doubt say- we have no clout But-within-a-few years see how we've come about. Were back on the scene, The number-one deen, I'm proud to be down with the Muslimeen! Chorus

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