BABA ALI my favorite comedy person

BABA ALI my favorite comedy person

Friday, February 22, 2008

baba ali

If you have an islamic question ask baba ali

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

nice nasheed!

teaching of the prophet (as)

aslim taslam

wich means :

accept islam and you will be saved.

accepting islm saves one from the evils of this world and from the fire of hell in the hereafter. islam is a straight path wich leads us to the best of both the worls. allah rewards muslims for their faith and action.

(al-jami' as -Saghir)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

teachings of the prophets!!! (salla allahu alaihi wa sallam!

i am inshallah going to put some teachings of the prophet (as) everyday!!!

1# teaching


innamal a malu bin niyyati

wich means

actions are governed by intention

All actions must be performed to please Allah(swt). Allah rewards a good action if it is inspired by a good intention. if we try to do something good but are unable to do so, Allah is pleased and rewards us for our good intentions


inshallah we will all be good muslims ameen!

Monday, February 18, 2008

I am back!!!!!

Hey all i am back !!!!!

i haven't written for a while because my internet was off so just to say again

I AM BACK!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

a video of a somolian poem....about somalia

please watch!!!!!


Nativedeens Emails!!!!

I was just browsing on nativedeens website and found theyre emails i was soooo exited!!!!!!

Joshua salaam

naeem mohamed

abdulmalik ahmed
